Sunday, November 26, 2006

Table 310.16 Calculator Revised again

After the nth time at revising this calculator I must have at least 6 months into writing this thing counting my earlier attempts at the Excel calculator in 1996. I found another bug, and I think this was the last one. A derating factor was being used in the wrong way giving some slight errors and over sizing the conductors, but now it is corrected and the answers come out right for every problem I can find for it including the NEC Handbook, the American Electrician's handbook, and some of the Mike Holt online examples. Let me tell you this was no easy task writing this one. I guess all the features add up with all the combinations and all. Also, the Tables and rules in the NEC for smaller wire sizes make it a real bugger. I seriously doubt that 95 per cent of the electricians and engineers use all these rules correctly. How could they when it takes six months to put them into code. I used the same method as described in one of my archived articles using four overcurrent device selections.


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