Monday, March 27, 2006

Even further problems with reading Table 310.16, etc

I just purchased the McGraw Hill National Electrical Code Handbook for the 2005 NEC at our very fine brand spanking new Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Fairbanks, Alaska.
I have been reading and using McPartland's writings for years so I consider this a reliable source. There is much information on derating and using the ampacity tables in this handbook including some history on the subject. It is necessary to study this material in detail and compare it to the NEC handbook and find a solution as to exactly how ampacity and derating shall be applied consistently in a computer program. Evidently, this subject is one of varying opinions and inexact decision making. The question is, of course, how do electricians read this material and apply it on the job? I do believe this whole subject should be studied by a NFPA task force and simplified for real world applications. In my humble opinion, the code rules on this subject are entirely too complicated for wireman to apply in the field.

On the other hand, I am selling domain name only and have moved everything of value for the continuing education courses, articles, calculators. etc to and that will be my new homepage location.


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