Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Additions to Table 310.16 Calculator

I added equipment grounding conductor size selection and CheckNum for the distance input in the Voltage Drop part. The CheckNum function checks to make sure the typed in entries are positive real numbers without commas, negatives, etc. This is about it for this calculator. I am going to obfuscate the code so the size will be decreased by about 70 per cent. This will allow a faster download. It has taken a long time to program Table 310.16 and many of the rules. I first did this using Excel in 1996. It took six weeks working about 12 hours a day. Actually I started attempting to do this in 1982 using an Hp67 and again in 1985 using a Kaypro 10 using MBASIC, but neither machine had enough memory. Fortunately after writing the Excel code in 1996 I wrote a description of how I did it using four OCPD selections. It is a real juggling act to get all the numbers to come out right after changing so many variables and using so many less than and greater than choices.


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