Saturday, December 15, 2007

Netscape compatability

Microsoft has stopped supporting Netscape plugins so the windows media player will not run in Netscape. Flash does run in both browsers. The software for windows media player comes with the windows operating system and is basically not an extra cost if you know the coding. However, the Flash software comes from Adobe who has expertly bundled their software into an expensive package making the production of Flash videos and audio juke boxes about a $1000 to $2000 investment in software plus a rather complicated learning curve. About 85 per cent of the users are using the Internet Explorer version 6 or later browsers. JavaScript programs that run in IE also are not always compatible with Netscape. These incompatibility problems are because Microsoft will not adhere to the International Standards but instead goes off on a tangent that puts competing companies out of business. Presently the company that developed the Opera Bowser, a Norwegian company, is suing Microsoft over this very issue.
Perhaps individual web pages are going to be placed in a noncompetive environment using these tactics so that service providers such as Facebook, Ning, Nexo, YouTube, Yahoo, MSN, Google, Metacafe, and AOL can control the Internet. The new Internet that is evolving is the big guys with big sites and lots of ads. What really gets me is their videos do not have a mute button for turning off the advertisements!


Blogger jim said...

Aha! Here you are! :-)

BTW, many of we Netscape users have moved on to Firefox if that is of any use in your deliberations.

10:44 AM  

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