Sunday, April 16, 2006

Weather too good for computer work

After 8 months of winter the weather is beginning to break. The snow is actually melting. It is very difficult to stay in doors after such a long winter. However, I have three programs that need finalized and hope to get with it before summer comes. There is no place like Alaska in the summer. There is so much to see that has not been developed. A person can walk for miles and not see any evidence of civilization. It is truly America's last frontier.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The sale went through now belongs to I have moved all the pages from to They paid a good price for the domain anme and the money is in the bank. I hope them the best. If any of you are interested Ari Goldberger, the attorney that acted as the escrow agent, is trustworthy, reliable, and honest. His site is and I recommend him for all domain name legal matters and sales. He is also a contributing editor to the online domain name journal,

Now I will be able to get back to my three Table 310.16 and motor circuit calculators and maybe, just maybe get them finished before the snow melts. The snow is melting fast here and spring is on its way.