Thursday, November 10, 2005

As the World Turns....

Well here it is Thursday. Judith Miller is out at the NY Times, Al-Qaida has attacked in Jordan, Oil Chiefs are being grilled by Congress and ANWR drilling has been killed in the House, and I have just spent three hard days trying to get water into the house. It seems impossible that everything from the pressure tank to the well went bad. The 1 1/4 inch union at the well even broke. The one inch heat traced line to the house plugged with sand, the 1/2 hp well pump went out. So after $600 in pumps and parts and three days of labor in minus 10 degrees the water is back. I remember the old days in Alaska back in the 50's and 60's when we lived on a homestead where my Mom used to melt snow for three days to get water to wash clothes. I don't know how she survived those first three years with no water, but she lived to be 86.

So now it is back to the activities. Now I can continue developing training programs and learning Perl more. I want to write a Perl program that will check the test scores, the notification of completion and the payment records then generate a certificate of completion. On the back burner is writing a program that selects wire size and overload device after reading in the number of conductors, load, insulation temperature, termination temperature, equipment temperature, etc. I wrote a Excel program in 1999 that did a good job at this, but I want write this in JavaScript or Perl. Never again will I try to write a program in Excel.


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